Monday, September 11, 2006

Welcome to the DSG this week section -- Summaries of the talks and hymns singing

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

If you have missed any of the Wednesday DSG session this semester, then do come this week as we will be having a conclusion of the past activities that was held.

There will be summaries of the talks given before and hymns singing.

Date: 13th Sept 2006 (Wed)
Time: 8:00pm
Venue: DR 2016 (1st floor, FCM Building)

Do bring a friend along!!
As usual, refreshments will be provided

See you there

Sukhi Hotu,

Dana and benefits of Generosity

Dana is the first of practice under the 10 Perfections (Parami) and which assist in our practice as a Buddhist. It is not a virtue exclusive to Buddhism, as all other religions approve of generosity as something worthy of practice.
The practice of dana is directly related to the law of kamma. The Buddha had said:

If beings knew as I know the fruit (vipaka) of giving gifts
(danasamvibhagassa), they would not eat without having given, nor would
the taint of stinginess obsess their mind and stay there.

Even if it were their last bite, their last morsel of food, they would not eat
of it without giving a gift, if there were anyone to receive it.

[to obtain the full article (in pdf format), pls email]

"Sabbadanam Dhammadanam Jinati"
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu

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